Psalm 99 Devotional

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In the Pause Reading plan this week, I read Psalm 99. Psalm 99 gives a list of the things that God is for his people. Here are a few that the Psalm gives:

He is holy; He is mighty; He is awesome; He is responsive; He is forgiving.

I challenge you to read Psalm 99 today and write in your journal some of the things GOD IS for you. Ask yourself:
– How would you describe God based on your journey with Him?
– Looking back on your testimony, how has God shined in your life?

Maybe he healed you… Maybe he redeemed you… maybe he led you in a certain direction…

Make this list and thank God for the things he has done for you. Isn’t it great that we serve a sovereign God that LOVES US and is FOR US!?


Have a great weekend!
Joshua Fehlen