A Devotional On Psalm 121

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This week I read Psalm 121 as part of my devotions and couldn’t help but notice a few things that I wanted to share with you. Psalm 121 says:

vs 1.  I look up to the mountains does my help come from there?
vs 2.  My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.
vs 3.  He will not let you stumble; The one who watches over you will not slumber.
vs 4.  Indeed, he who watches over Israel never slumbers or sleeps.
vs 5.  The Lord himself watches over you! The Lord stands beside you as your protective shield.
vs 6.  The sun will not harm you by day, Nor the moon by night.
vs 7.  The Lord keeps you from all harm And watches over your life.
vs 8.  The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go, both now and forever.

It’s a psalm written by David who is very much like anyone of us. As he writes David is:

  • Overcome by emotion
  • Tired and angry
  • Probably asking “WHY” is this happening
  • Hurting and desperate
  • Feeling helpless

Yet David knows who to turn to in his time of need.

In verse 2 David knew he could trust God even though he had no idea where it would lead.

In this Psalm the Hebrew word for “WATCHES OVER” is used 5 times.  
Once wasn’t enough…not twice…not even 3 times, but 5 times!!!!
The Lord really wants us to get this! He is STANDING GUARD over us.

It reminds me how during war soldiers are wanting to sleep but someone has to stand guard in case the enemy attacks or sneaks up on them, so one person stays awake to watch while all the others can sleep and then the next guy takes a turn until the night passes. Well, the Lord takes the first watch over our lives and the last watch and every watch in between.

Verse 4 promises that He will not fall asleep on the job and the enemy will not find his way anyway near us.  So, we can rest assured, and if that isn’t amazing enough vs 5 takes it a little further.

Verse 5 says the Lord HIMSELF watches over you! In other words…
He doesn’t send his best captain. He doesn’t send his trusted General. He doesn’t even send his favorite guard dog. The King of Kings and Lord of Lords watches over you!

Verse 6 says He protects you day and night, night and day.  That means 24 hours a day, round the clock….every second…protecting you!

verse 7 & 8 – He keeps you from Harm every day of your life.
He watches over you as you come and as you go…now and forever!

I think That about covers it! So as you go about your week remember Psalm 121 and remind yourself that you can trust Him. What ever you may be struggling through, what ever challenges you may be facing, the Lord Himself watches over you.

You are deeply loved, friends!
I’m praying for you this week.

Pastor Denise