A Mid Summer Reflection

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It’s mid summer and although we have been experiencing definite HEAT lately, have you noticed how lovely the evenings have been? Bright and clear sky, a cool breeze, some green leaves even still on the trees.

Lately, I have taken to the habit of an evening walk around my neighborhood or a nearby park. Since I tend to walk kind of slow (much to the dismay of my family), I usually take these walks alone, but lately have started inviting Jesus with me. It’s become my prayer time, a prayer walk of sorts.

It’s not about the distance covered or any specific outcome, but more of a focus on drawing near to God and listening for His voice. It’s about getting out of a rut in spiritual practice and experiencing something new, in new places. This practice has Mark 1:35-ish vibes (except at night, when it’s still somewhat light outside): “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went to a solitary place and prayed.”

It’s been life giving this summer to invite the Presence of God to be with me wherever I go. Pausing when I want to pause, thinking on the things of God, noticing His beautiful creation. Often, I bring a scripture to reflect upon. I like this one lately, but any one will do:“Make me know your ways, O Lord. Teach me your paths. Lead me in your truth and teach me, for you are my salvation; for you I wait all the day.” (Psalm 25:4-5)

Today, I want to invite you to your very own mid summer reflection. Find a different place to sit or walk with God, a new place to connect with God. Look around you and notice something new, listen to the sounds of something different. Pause and reflect on a verse or portion of Scripture. Pray for whatever the Holy Spirit prompts you to pray about.

While you are trying your “something new”, be sensitive to God’s Spirit. Mostly, rest and enjoy your time with Him in your new place or surroundings. He loves you so much!

In Christ,

Kristin Chaney