“You Still Have Plenty Of Time”

Wsfchurch   -  

Hello Friends,

Last week, I celebrated another birthday. On my calendar there is a reoccurring event that I put on the date of my birth. A few years ago I was reading a book, and I came across the phrase:  “You Still Have Plenty of Time.” I was so emotionally struck by that thought that I decided to make it a reoccurring event that I would see every August 30th.
Of course, we know that none of us have unlimited time. There is an appointed time for each of us to die, and we should live mindful that today could be that day. We are never guaranteed a tomorrow. So, technically, we MAY NOT have plenty of time.
But there was a reason I was so struck by that phrase and have made it a yearly reminder. As we get older, we tend to feel as if we’re running out of time, and our best days are BEHIND us. It can become fatalistic and depressing. At times I have felt this way. Perhaps you have too.
“You Still Have Plenty of Time” is a bold reminder that there is more life ahead. More passion. More joy. More love. More laughter. More activity. More adventure.
So, don’t quit. Don’t give up. Keep going.
If you are a “young person” then file this post away for future review.
If you are a “more mature” individual then please hear me. I am with you. I never imagined being 53 years old. It’s so weird. Perhaps you are, at whatever age you are at, feeling like you’ve been left behind, past your prime, overlooked and winding down.
Can I challenge you to ask the Lord what good things He might have yet in store for you?
Will you, in the words of Isaiah 40, “wait upon the Lord” so He can renew your strength?
I truly believe, and I hope this doesn’t come off as cheesy, that our “best days are AHEAD!”

Grace & Peace,
