The Pause Reading Plan

Wsfchurch   -  


Today is August 1st. Of course, mileage may vary depending on when you are actually reading this email. But suffice it to say, it’s August 1st.

Hello August.

I have a mixed relationship with August. It’s my birthday month (the 30th in case you’re wondering). The older I get (I’ll be 53 in case you’re wondering) the more I approach August with a mixture of dread AND excitement. By the way, that’s actually a pretty good description of the PSALMS.

The Psalms are a blend of dread and excitement, complaining and thanks. The Psalmists express both desperate anguish and exalted worship. Some of the Psalmist will even accuse God of ignoring them, and then a few verses later, they praise God for his unfailing love. Go figure.

I love the Psalms. They are real words from real people, and they honestly don’t hold anything back.

I like to read the Psalms in August. And I invite you to join me. In our PAUSE Bible Reading Plan we focus on a good chunk of the Psalms. You can find our PAUSE Plan HERE.

Let’s dig into the Psalms together this August. Be honest along the way. Document in your journal how you’re feeling. Like me, you might be feeling a sense of dread AND excitement. That’s OK. The Psalmists were honest, so we can be too.

Grace & Peace,