Scriptures that Form

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Recently, as I was combing through some old files on my computer, I came across an assignment I had when I was in seminary that asked us to think about and pray about scriptures that form our life. We were asked to write them down, meditate on them and notice how our sustained attention to God’s word benefits our souls and guides our lives.

I’d like to share those verses with you today. Although these are not the only scriptures that have impacted me, or the only verses that have guided me and drawn me closer to God, they are pieces to a framework that over time have reminded me of God’s invitation into deeper love, understanding, and growth in Him. 

As I am reading over them again today, I realize that so many of these verses are about closeness with God and maybe I need to be reminded of that today. Maybe you do too. 

My encouragement is to read these verses slowly and let them sink in, and ask yourself these questions as you give attention to God’s words:

-Look for the invitation. What is God inviting you to in these passages?

-Think about God’s words settling in and forming you. What do you notice?

-Feel the freedom God has given you to connect. What is God saying to you?

-If you were to create your own list of scriptures that are forming you, what would they be?

May you continually be refreshed by the closeness of God’s spirit and by the power of His word!

Here are my verses and a few of my thoughts about each:

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”

God is my ultimate guide. When areas of my life feel misaligned or the realities of life and decisions feel overwhelming, this scripture brings me back home to the security, stability and love of God’s guidance. These verses remind me to keep my eyes on Jesus and be formed by His perspective rather than my own. I’m safe in the very capable hands of God.

Acts 17:28 “For In him we live and move and have our being.”

God is not far from me. I live, move and have my being in God. All of me, all of the time. This is my reality. I can’t imagine being any closer than that! 

Zechariah 4:6 “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord.”

As someone who likes producing and creating things, this verse guides me back to reliance on God’s spirit. Producing in my own power is exhausting and leads to burnout. 

James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

God is a generous God. God shapes me in my challenges and offers wisdom that forms me and matures me.

1 Peter 4:8 “Above all else, love each other deeply.”

Because God loves me, I can love others. The fruits of connection with God lead to loving others. The more I stay connected to God, the more love, joy and peace flow out of my life. 

May God’s grace and peace be with you wherever you go and in all you do.

In Christ, 
