Making Time For Jesus

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Hello Friends,
Have you ever been through a season where life just looks different? It’s not necessarily bad, but just different. Recently, I have felt this to be true in my own life. Things are busy and at times feel a bit disjointed. Laundry is never ending, I rarely have days where I’m able to do both my hair and makeup, and thanks to our beautiful three-month-old, I’m covered in spit up 99.9% of the time. In all of this, I have found that my personal time with Jesus looks different, and that can be discouraging to me.

However, the last few weeks, I have been reminded that different is okay and it’s an opportunity to be creative and to invite Jesus into EVERY moment. Not just the planned “picture worthy” devotional times. He WANTS to be invited in, and He isn’t scared of the mess. Isn’t that the beauty of authentic relationships? So, blast the worship music in the car and invite your toddler to join you (a favorite in our home is Praise by Elevation Worship), put on the audio version of the Bible as you clean, talk to Jesus while you make lunch, take advantage of nap time and sit and read the Word even if it’s just for a few minutes.

Time with Jesus doesn’t need to look perfect. IT SHOULDN’T! It should be raw and authentic. He loves you and wants to be a part of every moment. Whatever “different” looks like for you, I invite you to join me in getting creative as we strive to pursue Jesus with all that we are.

PS… I am still fairly new to the WSFC Staff, so If I haven’t had the chance to meet you yet, swing by the kid’s counter. I would LOVE to meet you and hear about what you are doing to invite Jesus in and spend time with Him. 

I am praying with you and for you.


Many blessings,
Emily Pursel
Children’s Pastor